A Twitter user che guevara has claimed that his friend bought a new pair of Apple Airpods during the recently held Big Billion Days sale, only to get fake ones instead. https://twitter.com/cheguwera/status/1052101604609019904?s=19 The tweet further explains that when the customer tried to contact Flipkart in order to either exchange or return the counterfeit product, the e-commerce giant did not address the issue. Instead Flipkart said that it cannot help because the product was bought during the festive season sale. The tweet also carries pictures of the allegedly ‘fake Apple Airpods’, and till now, it has been retweeted over 1,200 times. A number of other users have recounted their similar experiences on the Twitter thread, where most of them have spoken about buying a product from Flipkart only to find out that the product is fake. Another thing common between these experiences is the fact that none of them were happy with Flipkart’s customer service. Most of them were supposedly told by the company to contact the seller they bought the product from. It is worth noticing that Flipkart Support has also replied to the che guevara’s tweet saying that “they are working on it to get it sorted.” However, this is not the only customer complaining against Flipkart after Big Billion Days sale. Another Twitter user, Srikanth, claims that he got a defective product delivered to him. When he contacted Flipkart, he was told by the customer care executive that the only solution is to get the money refunded and buy the product again. However, since Big Billion Days sale is over, the product is now available at a higher price.

— srikanth (@srikanthboorle) October 16, 2018 A different complaint on Twitter says that the user ordered Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro, but instead got a smartphone from Oppo.

— Chic-en Nugget (@UdtiPatanggg) October 15, 2018

— Amit Arora (@AroraAmit24) October 12, 2018

— Prathamesh Bovlekar (@prathamab07) October 15, 2018 Well, we can only hope that these customers do get the required support from the respective companies.

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Why customers are not happy with Flipkart  Amazon s festive season sales - 75Why customers are not happy with Flipkart  Amazon s festive season sales - 79