It looks to be working on a feature that would allow users to contact and get support/help from within a WhatsApp chat, according to reports. WhatsApp beta testers on both platforms were spotted with the option to contact the service via in-app chat. As per a fresh report by WABetaInfo the capability to offer in-app support for users was spotted in WhatsApp versions for Android and 22.2.72 for iOS. To recall similar feature was discovered being rolled out for WhatsApp beta for Android March of 2021. But unfortunately, the Meta owned chatting app had to suspend providing support to users directly within the programme for unclear reasons. But now if you contact WhatsApp via WhatsApp Settings > Help > Contact Us, WhatsApp may respond to you in a WhatsApp conversation again. It should be noted that WhatsApp Support conversations are always marked with a green confirmed checkmark, so you’ll always know when WhatsApp is contacting you. Be wary of those who pretend to be WhatsApp: always check if the green verified checkmark is there. As per the report When you contact WhatsApp, some information is shared to help them figure out what’s wrong with your account, such as your phone number, network information (if you’re connected to WhatsApp via 3G, LTE, 5G, or Wi-Fi), and your WhatsApp and OS versions: this information is optional but may help them figure out what’s wrong with your account. A screenshot has also been shared to confirm the development as received from the WhatsApp beta for iOS, the same feature is now being sent out to Android beta testers. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App. You can find the latest car and bike news here.

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