It has been a year since WhatsApp has started off with the WhatsApp business app. 84 percent of small businesses and midsize businesses have claimed that WhatsApp helps them to communicate with customers and 80 percent of SMBs think that WhatsApp has helped their business flourish. To recall, WhatsApp has recently launched a version of WhatsApp business app for desktop and web users. This app includes features such as tools to organise filter chats and quick reply to customer inquiries. Businesses can respond to questions asked by customers in the form of pre-written replies. This is very similar to a Facebook feature called Saved Replies. To talk about the quick replies feature, it can be activated with the use of “/” button. The quick reply feature joins other customer service features like automated greeting messages that are triggered when a customer calls a business account. Desktop and web users will also be able to avail labels and chat filters list incorporated in WhatsApp. The chat filters list helps users to filter chat list with the help of categories such as unread messages, groups or broadcast slants.

Another big news centred around WhatsApp is its Picture-in-Picture mode has been updated. Now WhatsApp web users can use this feature for all the video links which includes support for Facebook, YouTube, Streamable and Instagram videos. This feature comes with the latest WhatsApp update of Web 0.3.2041 version. This update will automatically launch on your device once you open it. The feature enables its users to watch videos within the WhatsApp window. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

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