Usually, the resolutions we make tend to revolve around cutting away some vices that are not doing us any favours. Maybe you are going to give up alcohol for the month of January; good luck with that, or perhaps you want to exercise more or just generally be more active. Perhaps your goal is just to be a nicer human being or to treat yourself more kindly. These are all lofty goals and are likely to fall away long before spring comes along. So how about something new this year?

What is the 365 Photography Project?

Are you a keen photographer? Do you enjoy taking photos and want to do something a bit different this year? The 365 Photography Project, unsurprisingly, involves you taking a single picture a day in order to end the year with a stunning collection of photographic gems. The idea is you take a photo every day, starting on January 1st, and you can look to cover some sort of theme. You might be deliberately taking an abstract photo every day, something that stands alone, or you might try to cover specific themes, perhaps family or a personal self-portrait. You might post each picture singularly on a service or network like Instagram, or you might wait until the end of the year and release it in a video format; with each frame being a photo, there are many ways to tackle the challenge.

There are No Rules

Importantly this isn’t a challenge that requires you to follow some set of rules or guidelines, it’s something to enjoy, and that has no boundaries except any you choose to set yourself. You can take the photos with your phone or with a professional camera; it’s entirely up to you. Some may also elect to miss a day or two, or sometimes you might get wrapped up in your daily life, and you forget, no problem, just try to do it as often as possible and take multiple photos on certain days to make up for any possible slippage. You might also fill in a missed day or two with a good choice of stock photos if that helps you keep your chosen theme working smoothly.

Possible Themes

If you are going to shoot for a specific theme, there are endless possibilities. Maybe you want to chart the climate, looking for images that represent the time of year; perhaps you are only going to photograph people. Your theme may be the choice of using photos without any additional help, using only natural light and no filters. You might even choose to develop the photos yourself instead of using digital camera technology. Maybe you are a foodie, and you have set yourself the daunting but tasty task of documenting your dinner every day, which would lead you to have to come up with a large number of recipes or eating out regularly to make up for days when you can’t be bothered to cook. You will need a certain amount of dedication to pull off the 365 Photography Project, but not so much as to make the act less enjoyable and fun. You might choose to open a specific account or blog to document your project so that you can show your friends or the entire world, or it might just be an intimate account for your own benefit. Whatever works for you.


If you want to go all-in, guns blazing, on this project, then you can make things easier by planning ahead of time. You might have to spend a few minutes a day or week lining up the subject matter for your photo a day, but if this is something you wish to do, then you’ll find the relatively short amount of time you need in order to do so. You can come up with individual ideas, maybe per week, a new theme, or a larger project that covers the entire period. Work out what you might shoot and how you’d go about setting up the process of getting the photo you want. If you plan effectively, then you might even be able to afford to miss a day here or there, as you’ll have the back-ups from earlier days to fill in the gaps. Our advice in terms of planning is to keep it simple; otherwise, the project will lose your interest, and then you’ll give it up within a matter of weeks. You might even want to group up with others on similar projects. This is a good way to keep the whole process fresh, and you might also be able to brainstorm ideas among yourselves to make it all the more beneficial. You can also go online to see other’s 365 Photography Project ideas to help inspire you and give you a sense of what it is possible to achieve. Manage Expectations The key here is never to make it something that is hard to strive for. The purpose of the project is to be fun, and it should never become a chore, and that’s where you need to bring in the element of expectations. Ask yourself why you are partaking in the project and what you hope to achieve; that way, you don’t give in after a few weeks, disappointed that you didn’t get involved for the right reasons. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App. You can find the latest car and bike news here.

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