He also added that he has moved to other projects within the PUBG Corp. and his next game will be different from PUBG. The upcoming game will be of a completely different genre, however, it will still be a multiplayer like PUBG. But it is being speculated that in the new game, the players would not have to kill other players. “I’ve done the killing thing. It’s fun. I think I’ve provided others with a good way of killing each other. But I want to explore some other things,” Greene said in a conversation with GamesIndustry.biz. But when asked if the new project he has been working on will be a co-operative game/multiplayer game, he confirmed that there might be a possibility of such a game releasing.

“That’s something we’re going to explore. The last man standing concept is great, but I’ve done that. I don’t really intend to make PUBG 2. I’ve done battle royale, it’s time to try something else. There are ideas about how we connect to people and how we provide the different experiences I have,” he further added to his statement. It should be noted that in the heat of the new releases of battle-royale genre of games like Battlefield: Firestorm or COD: Blackout, PUBG Mobile still remains popular. Although the PC version of the game might be facing stiff competition from its rivals, PUBG Mobile continues to grow in popularity with more and more number of people joining in the battle. It should be noted that PUBG has now been released for other platforms as well such as the Xbox One, PS4, PC and Mobile. The game has also gotten a new map called Vikendi snow map which was demanded by the players for quite some time. Furthermore, PUBG regularly releases new updates and contents for its game to keep it interesting for players as well as make sure that it’s bug free. But it should also be noted that PUBG Mobile, which is hugely popular in India, has received its fair share of criticism too. The game was banned in Rajkot, Gujarat, and some players were also arrested for playing PUBG Mobile after it was banned. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App

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