We came across this infographic from Kona Company that reveals some pretty interesting facts about the cell phones. There are over 1.2 billion mobile users worldwide today and the number will jump almost 5 times by 2015. This roughly means over 70% of the world’s population will have a mobile phone in the next 3 years. Another fact that caught the eye is that the mobile wallet market is growing at a staggering pace. It is seeing grow this as high as 147% yearly. No wonder we see so many Indian companies jumping on to the mobile wallet bandwagon. Advertising on the mobile phone is also growing rapidly thanks to the smartphone and internet penetration. The most lucrative vertical for mobile advertising is entertainment. Check out the rest of the infographic and interesting facts below below:

Source: http://konacompany.com/

State of mobile phones in 2015  Infographic  - 42State of mobile phones in 2015  Infographic  - 99State of mobile phones in 2015  Infographic  - 2