Last week, the company announced that it has fixed all the issues of the Galaxy Fold handset and that it is ready to be launched. Earlier this year, Samsung was ready to launch its first foldable smartphone. But before it did that, it sent the device to some reviewers in the US, who reported about the issues in the screen and the hinge design of the Galaxy Fold. Now as per a recent report Samsung will be relaunching the smartphone sometime in the third week of September. The South Korean company will reportedly first start selling the smartphone in its home market and will bring the Samsung Galaxy Fold in a limited number of around 20,000 to 30,000 units. According to a report by the Investor, the company will officially launch Samsung Galaxy Fold between 18 to 20 September. The report further reveals that the company is fine-tuning the release of the schedule of Galaxy Fold with telecom companies in South Korea. It is speculated that the smartphone manufacturer will initially roll out a total of 100,000 units in the Korean market. Previously, Samsung announced that its entire production of the Galaxy Fold will arrive at a number of 1 million units. “Samsung is seeking to tout its technical prowess rather than focusing on high-volume sales with the Fold,” an official from a local telecom firm was quoted saying by media outlet Yonhap News Agency. The report says, “Because of the new smartphone’s high price tag and concerns over durability, there is a lot of skepticism. The Fold, expected to be priced at more than 2 million won ($1,689), will likely be able to appeal to a very limited number of consumers who are willing to pay for the limited edition. In April, Samsung put off the release of the phone after finding technical flaws in its display and hinge that connects its right and left halves.” The report further revealed that following the initial launch in South Korea and the US, the Galaxy Fold is expected to be made available in the UK, Germany, and France. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App.

Samsung Galaxy Fold to launch by September 20  Report - 82Samsung Galaxy Fold to launch by September 20  Report - 61Samsung Galaxy Fold to launch by September 20  Report - 92