In a post which appeared on Google’s blog said, “This naming tradition has become a fun part of the release each year externally, too. But, we’ve heard feedback over the years that the names weren’t always understood by everyone in the global community”. The engineering team used to give dessert name to the new OS releases (internally). The blog post defined a lot of terms are not being distinguished between in a lot of languages and some of the words used like ‘Pie” are not even a dessert. Gadget Bridge had pointed out that earlier in 2018 the same thing that Pie is not a dessert, since there are savoury pies too. Seems like Google heard that and delisted the dessert. The blog post further says, “So, when some people heard us say Android Lollipop out loud, it wasn’t intuitively clear that it referred to the version after KitKat. It’s even harder for new Android users, who are unfamiliar with the naming convention, to understand if their phone is running the latest version,” Also, “As a global operating system, it’s important that these names are clear and relatable for everyone in the world. So, this next release of Android will simply use the version number and be called Android 10,” it said. So, seems like the next version of the operating systems by Google will be named numerically, Android 10. This will give them a global appeal as all languages have the numerical system. Since Android 7, the number appeal to the operating system has grown tremendously. The numerical system has been taken up by a lot of successful businesses to name its releases and OS. Take for example Microsoft Windows, which has been naming its operating systems with a numeric value and they have been successful at it. Windows 10 is a perfect example. Also, Android 10, has a great ring to it, doesn’t it? For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App.

No more treats for Android users  Google will name its versions numerically - 45No more treats for Android users  Google will name its versions numerically - 95