According to a report by a market research firm Canalys, Huawei has dominated the Chinese smartphone market in the first three months of 2019. In the first quarter, Huawei has 34% market share while the other companies such as Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi or Apple struggled to find solid ground. And Huawei is the only major smartphone market in the country that managed to grow in China’s declining smartphone market. The report states that the company shipped around 30 million smartphones in the first quarter of 2019. This number is 41% more than the first quarter of 2018. While Apple struggled and it shipped around 6.5 million smartphones with a decrease in 30%, which is the worst the company has faced in the last two years. We should point out that Apple’s smartphone business is struggling in some other parts of the world too. The company, in its first quarter report of 2019, said that its sales fell 17% from last year. The report also said that this is the largest quarter decline for the company. While for Huawei, the quarter was the strongest it has ever been.

Mo Jia, the analyst from Canalys said that the company has also opened more stores in the last couple of years. The stores have made it a trusted company among buyers and it has also gained new customers from other Chinese companies as well. Huawei launches smartphones in the mid-range to and premium segments, unlike Apple that only caters to the high-end market. As mentioned earlier, the smartphone market of China is suffering and it has been the worst in six years. The shipments have declined by 3% to 88 million phones. But still, Huawei is doing well in the Chinese market and on a worldwide scale, the Chinese company is right behind Samsung to become the world’s largest smartphone maker. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App.

Huawei becomes the most selling smartphone brand in China  leaves Apple behind - 51Huawei becomes the most selling smartphone brand in China  leaves Apple behind - 99