Although there is a PC version of the game named PUBG PC and it is as popular as the Mobile version of the game, it comes at a price. PUBG PC costs anywhere around Rs 3,500 to Rs 4,000 in India. Players who don’t wish to pay for it stick to PUBG Mobile, which is available for free with in-app purchases. If you want to play PUBG on PC then you can do so by taking the help of an emulator. Emulators are the software that allow the PC to behave like another system or console. That way, you can play the game meant for that console on your PC without needing the console itself. There are multiple emulators out there which you can use to play PUBG Mobile on PC, however, Tencent also its own emulator and we suggest you to use that. It is called Tencent Gaming Buddy. Tencent’s emulator can be used to play PUBG Mobile on PC using the computer’s keyboard and mouse to control the character. Here’s how you can play PUBG Mobile on your PC using Tencent’s free emulator:

How to run PUBG Mobile on your PC or laptop  - 75How to run PUBG Mobile on your PC or laptop  - 67