It is worth pointing out that this is the first time that Facebook has said that its Stories product has reached at a point in its native app and Messenger that it has started catching up to the feature’s popularity on Instagram. It is worth noticing that after various attempts of acquiring Snapchat, Facebook got inspired from the Stories feature on the photo-messaging app and got it to Instagram. The feature later also made its way to WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram. The Stories feature saw immense popularity on Instagram and WhatsApp. So much so, that the daily users of the feature on the two apps soon crossed those of Snapchat. But as we mentioned earlier, this is the first time that Facebook has shared numbers which indicate that Stories on its native app and Messenger are catching up. The last time that social media giant made an announcement about its Stories feature in September last year, it had 300 million daily users. Speaking of Instagram Stories alone, it had hit a mark of 500 million daily users in January this year. The latest numbers were revealed today by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on a call with investors which happened right after the company’s first-quarter earnings report. The company also announced today that it has kept $3 billion apart to pay the Federal Trade Commission fine over its bad privacy and security track record. However, even with the massive privacy fine included, Facebook has only continued to grow and earn a substantial amount of money. And it is also worth mentioning that Stories are increasingly becoming an important part of Facebook’s financial success.

The company’s COO also told listeners that around 3 million advertisers had made use of Stories across Facebook’s overall ecosystem. As of now, the social networking giant has not disclosed how much money it made via these ads, or on which platform a majority of them were placed. Needless to say, with all these numbers, we have to admit that Stories are a big hit on Facebook’s platform. While everyone does not like to see Stories each time they open Facebook, it seems like there are 500 million people across the globe who do. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App.

Facebook Stories 500 million daily active users Instagram - 18Facebook Stories 500 million daily active users Instagram - 40