Emoji (E=picture + moji=emotion) are the ideograms or smileys which are used in electronic messages and web pages. These come in various genres which include facial expressions, common object, places and types of weather. They are like emoticons but they paint a picture instead of using typographics. And similarly, Animoji are the animal representation of emoji, animal pictures or animation are used to create the Animoji. Apple uses their iPhone’s camera to recreate a digital picture of a person’s face and then animating them in such a way that they resemble smiley faces or show emotions. And Animojis function in similar manner where animals are animated to express the state of mind. So, Emoji/Animoji are animated 3D characters, which the user can control with their faces.

Creating an Animoji is not as easy as it sounds as when an Animoji is used, the TrueDepth camera analyses more than 50 muscle movements in different areas of the user’s face. The camera detects the movement of the eyebrows, cheeks, chin, eyes, lips, eyes, tounge and mouth. All these movements and expressions are then translated to the Emoji/Animoji characters making them reflect or imitate the user’s emotion or expression. The created Animoji then can be shared on chatting apps or messaging apps as stickers which are still Animoji or videos that are moving Animojis. They can be used in the Effects in Messages and the user can use them instead of their own faces when FaceTiming with someone. These Animojis were introduced in 2017 with the iPhone X. And at that time there were 12, but with time Apple added more Animojis and new characters for the users to play with. As of right now there are 24 Animojis including the four new ones. The existing Animojis include monkey, cat, robot, alien, ghost, t-rex, koala, tiger, bear, dragon, lion, unicorn, rooster, bunny, panda, pig, poop, fox, dog and skull. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

Express yourself more with new Animojis in iOS 12 2 Beta - 75Express yourself more with new Animojis in iOS 12 2 Beta - 89