However, Cisco is popular not only for providing networking solutions and manufacturing networking products. It also has its own certification program. The Cisco credentials are among some of the most popular and valuable ones out there. If you are a networking specialist who wants to increase your worth in the professional world, then you should go for one of these. If you look through the Cisco website, you will notice that all the certificates have been divided into levels. And, of course, you need to take certain exams to obtain one. Here, we will be talking about the cisco Certified DevNet Associate certification and the Cisco 200-901 exam in particular. The test is a relatively new one in the Cisco arsenal. In fact, the first exam date is February 24, 2020. If you don’t have any credential of this vendor, then Cisco DevNet 200-901 is a good place to start. It may be new but it certainly is a valuable one. Passing this exam will help you obtaintheDevNet certificate and will also bring you a lot of benefits. Essential Exam Details The first thing that you need to know about the Cisco 200-901 exam is that it lasts for 120minutes. During this time, the students will have to answer a multitude of questions and that is why you need to make sure that you manage your time properly. Cisco does not specify the form in which the questions will be asked therefore you should be prepared for anything. Sometimes, the certification exams even come with different types of questions, for example, they can be multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and even simulation questions. The number of questions is not specified and that is why you will need to manage your time accordingly. One thing that we do know is the topics that are going to be part of the Cisco 200-901test. The objectives are mentioned below:

Network Fundamentals Infrastructure and Automation Application Deployment and Security Cisco Platforms and Development Understanding and Using APIs Software Development and Design

Before you make any kind of decision, you need to understand that in order to do well during the certification exam, you will first need some experience with networking technologies and have clear basic concepts. Otherwise, if you are completely new to all of this, you will have a lot of difficulties during the actual test. Preparation Options You need to think about the Cisco 200-901 test just like about any other certification exam. Sure, it might be a little difficult, but this doesn’t make it impossible. All you need to do is to prepare for Cisco 200-901 properly. The first date is months away, so you still have a lot of time to prepare. You should start learning all the topics as soon as possible otherwise you will have trouble covering the rest of them. All of the subjects should be divided into sections, and you should make a proper schedule that will allow you to go through all of the topics smoothly. You need to understand that each of the topic areas makes up a certain percentage of the exam. If you don’t prepare properly for even one of them, you will not be able to attempt this section. Before you can start preparing, you will first need to find a reliable study source. While going through the Internet, you may find different websites, but some of them are not as reliable as others. That is why it is better to stick to paid platforms as they promise authenticity. One place where you can find proper study materials and preparation tools is Exam-Labs. You will find study bundles for any tests of various vendors, including the 200-901 exam. This premium bundle is everything you need to prepare for Cisco 200-901. The package comes with training videos along with a study guide. You can use both of these things to cover all of the topics. One of the most important prep tools you can find along with the others is practice tests. With the help of these questions and answers, you can assess your knowledge and skills before the actual exam. If you feel that you are not doing well in a certain area, then you can always go back and start studying again. Summary The organizations today are always looking for the employees who are willing to work on their skills and grow as a person. The best way to do this is through an IT credential, and if you are interested in networking, then the Cisco certifications are perfect for you. Cisco 200-901 is certainly a new exam, but it undoubtedly is valuable. If you don’t already have any Cisco certificate, then you should think about going for this test. Passing it will make your life easier and increase your value as an IT specialist. These were some of the main things that you should know about the Cisco 200-901 certification exam. If you want to pass the test easily, the best thing you can do is to treat it like any other and prepare with great deliberation. Work hard and cover all of the exam objectives. There is no need to memorize every word you see, instead just clear your concepts and you will be good to go. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App.

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