According to a recent report, Apex Legends will soon get a new mode called Survival Mode that will bring new characters and some other new elements to the game. The references of the mode, new characters, and some fresh cosmetic content were first found by dataminers going through Apex Legends files. This information was then leaked by a Twitter profile called @RealApexLeaks. However, there is also a possibility that the game files might be referring to something entirely different and the said changes may not even get in the game. It has also been reported that the survival game mode will also have spectators and commentators who can see the players playing the game. The spectators can also cheer, comment and perform emotes of their own for the players they are watching. This game mode has previously been seen in other FPS games like Call of Duty, Battlefield and Titanfall. There is also a new feature where the players will be able to see how they were killed in the last round. This feature is already seen in other First-Person Shooter (FPS) and battle royale games and has also been added in PUBG.

The creators of Apex Legends have already said in the past that the game will be getting new updates and other new features in the future. Right now, there is only the squad mode in the game where the players could play only in squad of three. But the creators have also promised to give the players a duo and solo mode as well just like the other battle-royale is offering. With this the players can go solo and play in duo mode as well. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

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