The apex of our existence as a scientific species was hit with the industrial revolution, and it has only been developing and growing since. Today, technology is an inescapable aspect of our everyday life. And in many ways, it has made our lives a lot more tolerable, simple, and easier. We aren’t talking about advancements in medicine, agriculture, and transportation, without which our world could not function. But rather, we are talking about the simple, small, seemingly irrelevant things, that make our lives just a bit easier in the 21st century.

1.     Information at our Fingertips

The first example we are bringing up is the omnipresence of information that the internet provides. The world wide web is impossible to escape. There are almost no electronic devices that don’t connect to the internet in 2022. And they are all easily accessible and can be purchased cheaply. Even if you do not have home Wi-Fi, there are so many cafés, establishments, or public networks that are easily accessible. And what a wonderful tool the internet is. Whether you want to access information about sports from websites like this, or information on serious scientific articles using Google Scholar, or even pop history, science, and geography from one of the most popular information aggregators, Wikipedia. All of this information is available at your fingertips.

2.     Online Shopping

Another way that scientific and technological advancements have changed humanity is through the creation of online shopping. Many people, still to this day, prefer to go store-to-store, checking out and trying out the products before they purchase them. However, for those whose time is limited, for those who don’t like large crowds, for those who are incapable of walking for a long time, or simply for those of us who are feeling a bit lazy on the designated shopping day, online shopping is a godsend. Nowadays, we can access numerous online shops, most of which sell everything from clothes to tech. In the past couple of years, the introduction of online grocery shopping has even been introduced, where you can order your groceries and have them delivered to your doorstep. The history of online shopping is an interesting one, and even ten years ago the practice wasn’t as commonplace. A testament to how quickly certain industries can grow in the era of technology.

3.     Helps us Maintain Contact

Lastly, and possibly the best thing about the development of technology is the creation of numerous social media sites, that enable us to maintain and rekindle friendships that may have veined due to time and distance. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, even email, and other similar websites help friends, lovers, partners, and co-workers maintain a relationship even if they were on different continents, let alone different cities or neighbourhoods. It is thanks to this feature of technology that the world has become a lot more accepting and embracing of other cultures. Thanks to the internet, average, everyday people can become exposed to foreign beliefs and peoples, and better understand these cultures. More importantly, it helps us to create relationships with people from all over the world and brings us closer together as individuals and as people. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App. You can find the latest car and bike news here.

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