In its manifesto, Delhi’s Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal promised that they will be providing 11000 hotspots across the city. The work is still in progress, CM said they have planned to set up 400 hotspots at bus stops in Delhi and 7000 will be set up in markets, residential welfare associations and other places. On December 16 the Government will be inaugurating 100 hotspots across the city. According to the CM free WIFI will benefit student’s education and contributing to both the health and education sector. He further added that after inaugurating 100 hotspots in the next six months the government will work on setting up 500 hotspots every week. The government free WIFI scheme has been built on a rent model. So, the government will be bearing the monthly rental for each hotspot. After installing 11000 hotspots networks in the city the residents will be able to access free WIFI service within a 100-meter radius. In order to activate the WIFI connections, the users will be required to download an app that will be launched later on. After downloading the app, the user needs to upload their KYC details on it. Through this, an individual will be able to use up to 15GB data per month. This means users will be allowed to use 1.5GB of data per day. According to the CM Kejriwal, the average speed of data download will be 100 Mbps to 150 Mbps that will go up to 200 Mbps in some areas. After the network is ready the entire network will be able to handle approximately 22 lakh users at a time which means a single hotspot can be accessed by 150 to 200 users. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel. You can also stay up to date using the Gadget Bridge Android App.

100 hotspots to be inaugurated on December 16 under Delhi government s free WIFI scheme - 84100 hotspots to be inaugurated on December 16 under Delhi government s free WIFI scheme - 45