Drop in areas that are overcrowded

This is one among the most important tips that you should remember. Drop in any of the small houses or buildings near a crowded area and find weapons and gears as soon as you land. You can then rusk to the overcrowded area and find some easy kills.

Try to kill some enemies as soon as the game begins

If you and an enemy land at the same place at a similar time, instead of looking for as many weapons as possible, grab the first weapon you find and kill your enemy. This was you’ll catch him off-guard and it’ll be easier to kill someone who isn’t defending. Usually, when people are collecting weapons, they don’t expect to be attacked. Keeping this in mind, you can also rush to other areas to find people collecting weapons to kill some more enemies.

Shoot only when you are in the right range

Kill your enemy only when you are sure that you are of hitting him. This is because in case you miss your shot, you would draw attention of other enemies. This should particularly be kept in mind if you have made it to the final stages of match. Giving away your position at a time as crucial as that is not something that you want to do.

Grenades are not just for killing

Grenades can prove to be extremely useful in the game. If you are not sure about your enemy being hidden at a particular place, you can always throw a grenade to make him come out.

Always use the map

The map is extremely important as it gives you the information about safe zone. If you indulge too much in looting, you may die outside the play zone. And that will be a sheer waste of your hard work.

Predicting where the next safe zone will appear

There is no hard-known rule for predicting the next safe zone circle accurately. However, if you stay at the centre of the safe zone, you would most likely be included in the next circle as well. If not that, then the next circle will appear somewhere close to you, so it will be easy for you to rush there.

Use the air-drop to kill your enemies

We’ll put it as simply as we can. Hide near the drop and kill other players as they come for it. Get some easy kills in the game and then go for the air-drop.

Opt for how you want to use the door

There are two ways to use the door in PUBG. If you close the door after entering, it will make your enemies feel like the house has not been looted yet. This would make them enter the house, and you can be ready to kill them. The other way to use the door is by leaving it open. This way, your enemies will think that the house has been looted and they will not enter the house. So in this case, you needn’t engage in any fight and you can play defensively.

Bait your enemy

If you find a good weapon in the initial phase of the game, then you can use your primary weapon to bait your enemies. Just leave it on the ground and hide. When your enemy comes to pick it up, you can kill him. Even if he picks it up in hand, he would still have to reload it to use it. So that will give you enough time to kill your enemy.

Always play with headphones on

If you play PUBG without your headphones, you will be killed very early in the game. Once you put earphones on, you would get a lot of help in understanding the position of your enemies. This is because you would be able to listen to the footsteps and gunshots of your enemies. With them, it will be easy for estimate where exactly your enemy is. For the latest gadget and tech news, and gadget reviews, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. For newest tech & gadget videos subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

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