The company has shared a press release which says that it sold 1 million units of its 4G smartphones Lenovo A6000, A6000plus and A7000 till June 2015 via Flipkart. Lenovo Smartphones Director Sudhin Mathur attributed this success partly to Flipkart’s vast network across the country. He said, “Apart from providing great devices, our partnership with Flipkart gave consumers in more than 1,000 cities and towns across the countries access to our 4G smartphone portfolio. Beyond the metros, we have seen also seen a good uptake in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Kerala, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh. ” As per CMR’s India quarterly data, Indians are showing great interest in 4G-LTE smartphones and revealed that the overall 4G-LTE device shipments in the country has grown 108% to 2.2 million units for the January-March quarter.

1 million and still counting  4G smartphones that Lenovo managed to sell via Flipkart in 2015 - 21 million and still counting  4G smartphones that Lenovo managed to sell via Flipkart in 2015 - 90